
Showing posts from November, 2020


                 CHAPTER II - PART II                                   Keetz and I  Everything was set... The Choir was over. Sister. Anne Antony and I were the recipient of Academic Proficiency from the singing team. So, as soon as the choir was over, we both went to the other side of the stage and settled there with other recipients. I sat near my bestie, Keetz. The Annual report was read. Principal Sister welcomed the Chief Guest, Sir. Pari Rtd. IPS Officer. Now it was his turn... While giving speech, he started asking few general questions and one was about Swami. Vivekanandha's Assistant. I remember helping my cousin, Angel with writing an essay about that particular person, when she made a visit to our home after my nephews were born. Now the question is that what is the real name of Sister. Niveditha and the answer was ELIZABETH MARGARET NOBLE . Though I knew the answer, I was reluctant to say and then Keetz motivated me to stand up and tell the answer. When I said, the C


The girl in an ocean blue frock, Her look, an electric shock.  Her hair is a silk thread, Lining from her head. Her eyes are sets of diamonds, Her teeth, the milk of almonds. Like a doll made of cream, Her cheeks gleamed. Her dress is classy, Her scarlet lips are glossy. "Kushee" is her name, An ever charming dame.