Letter to my Fiancé II

Dearest Fiancé,
                           I begin this letter with the words of Almighty.

Then the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him."

I strongly believe in the word of God and feel that you are my Adam whose rib bone I'm made of!
I promise to be your helper in both your ups and downs. 
And so you must promise me with all your heart.

I wish I would pray with you holding hand in hand, reading the Holy Bible, Singing praises to the Lord God, speaking tongues and taking the Holy communion every single day.

I wish to celebrate our first Christmas decorating our home together with bells and stars, preparing a feast for our beloved family, taking part in Church activities and helping people we find in difficulty. 

I wish to name our first born with a Biblical name, so that every time we call him/her, we spell them their blessings. 

I believe in God, my Father, my King and he will never let His daughter, His princess to regret her decision. 

I promise to love you with all my heart and soul! 

With all of mine, 
Yours ❤️


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