What I Expect In My Husband?

It is so common for a girl in her 20's to dream about her marriage and her future husband. So I am! 

Here is my list of ten expectations from my future Husband. 


"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" says the Holy Bible.

As the above verse say, one must seek God first and all the earthly blessings will be given unto them. 
I want my husband to be a Christian, not by religion but by Spirituality! 
I want him to reflect Christ and keep Christ as his priority over all. 

2. Wealth

Wealth doesn't mean that I want him to have Porches and Mansions but a stable income to lead a family contently. 
I also want him to pay his tithe to the Church every month, regularly and never hesitate to offer, for all that he gets is from above. 

2 Corinthians 9:7 says "You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully" 

So, I want him to offer generously with a cheerful heart as the Bible also tells that "The generous person will prosper" 
He must never be a miser but a man who knows the value of money and carefully saves it. 

3. Understanding

"People with understanding controls their anger; a hot temper show great foolishness" 

I want him to be an understanding friend and a mentor in times of struggle. 

4. Caring 

I want him to be a caring person who not only cares for his family but also my family as his own. He must be a person who treats both parents and parents-in-law equally, So will I be with my parents and parents-in-law. 

I have seen people treating their parents-in-law differently. Sometimes, They treat their own parents rudely. 
This must never happen with my man for the Bible says, "Love others as you love yourself" 

5. Courageous 

I want him to be a Courageous man who stands by me all the time.

The Bible says, "Be Strong and Courageous! Do not be afraid or do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abaundon you" 

6. Loving

"Three things will last forever- Faith, Hope and Love- and the greatest of this is LOVE"

I want him to be loving, kind and gentle. 
I believe that love is a bridge that unites two hearts into one soul! 

7. Truthfulness

"Love does not rejoice with wrong doing; but rejoice with truth" 

I want him to be a honest and truthful person and so will I be with him.

8. Active

The Bible says, "Lazy people are soon poor; hard workers get rich"

I have seen people sleeping till noon when it comes to holidays.
Good Heavens! Never should my husband be of that kind!

9. Respect

I want my husband to respect me and my decision and so will I respect him and whatever right things he does.

The Bible quotes, "Respect everyone and love the family of believers. Fear God and respect the king."

10. Fun Loving

I want my husband to be a good friend and a great lover. I want him to be liberal and also a good communicator who sits and talks to me about random things rather than scrolling through social media.

I pray to God every single day to Bless the gift of my life- 
My Future Husband! 


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